Cambodia Lawyer

Cambodia As China Appendage: Not So Fast

Many of you have no doubt heard the rumors about China investing $3.0 billion in Cambodia’s energy and transport sectors. I recently discussed these rumors with some Cambodian lawyer friends of mine and they told me that resistance to these Chinese investments has started and it appears the projected investments are, at best, provisional plans.

China foreigner and dual national arrest risk

How Not to Get Kidnapped in China

China is dangerous for foreigners whose companies might owe money to a person or company in China. A few weeks ago, a reader e-mailed one of my law firm’s international lawyers with an article regarding China’s recent jailing of California businessperson Brian Horowitz over a debt allegedly owed to a Chinese company. According to yesterday’s

Getting your product made in China

How to Buy Goods From China: Take These Five Steps

Contents of this Article: Find a Suitable Supplier Clearly Define Your Expected Product Negotiate Reasonable Payment Terms Control Your Product Quality in the Factory Formalize the Process Contact Harris Sliwoski Before Buying Goods From China Met recently with Renaud Anjoran in Shenzhen. Renaud is the founder of Sofeast, a quality assurance firm that assists foreign

Sexism in China

How China Sexism Benefits Foreign Companies

Had an interesting discussion the other day with two international entrepreneur clients on global prejudices. Both told me of how they “take advantage” of it by hiring women, racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities in countries where other businesses are reluctant to hire these people. And let’s face it, these prejudices exist, at

China future business

Rare Earths and Polysilicon: Does China Control Our Green Future?

China is virtually the sole supplier of rare earths to the world and it is heading towards that same position for polysilicon. The reasons are almost exclusively related to the peculiar way primary industry operates in China. What is occurring is an exchange with few benefits to either side. There are two areas of dispute

China Quality Control

China QC Inspections

I have always thought it a mistake for a company not to have a quality control inspection done of its China products before shipping. The Quality Inspection Blog has a post, How much does an inspection in China cost? that puts the need for QC inspections into focus. The post starts out talking about the

China law issues for business speech

China Legal Issues for Business: The Ten Minute Version

I spoke yesterday at the 2010 U.S. China Business Conference in Atlanta. I was tasked with talking about the legal issues American businesses face in China and the legal issues Chinese businesses face in the United States. I was given ten minutes. The below is my speech: I am going to be talking about the

china law blog

China Representative Offices: Getting Started

I am always saying that for every 100 China WFOEs and Joint Ventures my law firm helps set up in China, it does one representative office. Why so few, when it is generally agreed that representative offices are the easiest type of offices for foreign firms to set up in China? Because the inherent limitations

How to License Your IP

China Licensing Agreements: The Key Provisions

The International Business Law Advisor Blog did a post, entitled, 6 Key Provisions You Should Include in Your International Licensing Agreements. I borrow extensively from that post for this one, but tailor it more towards China. I list out IBLAB’s tips in bold and then provide its explanation in normal font. My comments in italics

international compliance lawyers

China Guanxi: You Ain’t Got It

David Wolf at The Silicon Hutong blog just came out with a superb post riffing on the meaning of guanxi. The post A Few Notes on Guanxi more accurately and concisely defines guanxi than anything I’ve seen. It is so good and so important, I feel I have no choice but to post it wholesale