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canna law blog

Bank Loans on Cannabis Property: Tread Carefully

My law firm represents a large number of cannabis operators in Oregon, Washington and California. Some of these operators own the land they trade on; others simply lease. Whenever we are lucky enough to meet the client before the onset of cannabis activity, our first question is often whether the target property is mortgaged, or

canna law blog

Washington State Will Allow for Out of State Cannabis Financing (Sort Of)

Last week, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (“WSLCB”) very quietly adopted a proposed rule that will allow out of state individuals and entities to finance marijuana businesses within Washington State. Sort of. In Out-of-State Investment in Washington’s Marijuana Market, we wrote how many cannabis industry stakeholders wrongly believed the WSLCB had already adopted new out of state financing

canna law blog

The Top Ten Things You Need to Know to Start a Cannabis Business in Washington

This is our first installment in what will be an intermittent state by state series on “The Top Ten Things to Know to Start a Cannabis Business.” We figured we would start with Washington State because that is where our cannabis business lawyers got their start back in 2010. Washington recently combined its medical and

canna law blog

Marijuana At Airports And In The Air: Legal Or Not?

Thinking about flying with cannabis on your next vacation? In most cases, you better find an alternative because you may face serious criminal penalties for boarding an airplane with cannabis. However, at a few airports, law enforcement allows passengers to fly with cannabis when certain very limited conditions have been met. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is the federal

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Marijuana Lounges: All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go

What comes to mind when you think of Amsterdam? Typically, Van Gogh, historic churches, beautiful canals, and marijuana. Amsterdam is famous for its “coffee shops,” where patrons can purchase and consume marijuana on-site. In light of the success of recent legalization efforts on this side of the Atlantic, we have to ask: where are America’s

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Marijuana Advertising And The First Amendment

Our cannabis lawyers been asked several times in the past couple of weeks whether we have any opinion on a Washington Superior Court decision that came out earlier this month that grappled with the interplay of government regulation and commercial free speech. There’s no copy of that Superior Court opinion available online, but in this

canna law blog

Moving Marijuana Across State Lines: Still A Felony

Now that four states have legalized recreational marijuana and another twenty or so states have legal medical marijuana regimes, we are hearing people talk about how taking their legal pot across state borders by car or by air is no big deal. Unfortunately, it is a big deal. A really big deal. It should first

canna law blog

Marijuana Edibles In Washington State: The NEW Rules You NEED To Know

Washington State’s Liquor Control Board issued new “emergency” rules yesterday, mostly dealing with marijuana-infused food products, commonly called edibles.  The rules were a reaction to recent stories of individuals who ingested too much cannabis from their edibles (see Maureen Dowd’s story here), and of children mistaking cannabis candy for the real thing. If you are making edibles for