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They Said It On Marijuana.Quotable Saturday, Part III

At Canna Law, we can never get enough of the pot puns and jokes. Thursday evening's Colbert Report was flush with them, as it featured several segments on marijuana. Colbert noted the Colorado (or, as he calls it, "Potsylvania") Department of Revenue's announcement this week that it took in more than $2 million in tax revenues in January on recreational pot sales. Forbes reported that the combined tax revenues from recreational and medical marijuana sales of $3.5 million is 1% of the total annual budgets for the states of Delaware, South Dakota, Montana, and West Virginia. In other words, serious coin.

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana Quotable Saturday, Part II

This is the second post in our ongoing series of Saturday posts featuring great quotes regarding cannabis, mostly from public figures. This one is from televangelist and prepetual nutcase Pat Robertson, the point of which is not to show that even a broken clock is accurate twice a day (once if digital) but to arm our readers with a quote that they can use with a particular crowd. This comes from a 2012 New York Times interview: