Part WhatYouNeedtoKnowWhenBuyingaCannabisBusiness

What You Need to Know When Buying a Cannabis Business

Cannabis businesses are unlike typical businesses in large part due to the significant tension between federal and state laws and regulations. This tension creates some uncertainty for every licensed cannabis business and every other business and individual involved in the marketplace: owners, financiers, employees, ancillary service providers, and even accountants and attorneys. Overview of Buying

Smokable CBD Products is Not Great

The Future for Smokable CBD Products is Not Great: Part 2

Back in January, I published the first part of this article, which, not surprisingly, is all about how bad the law is getting for hemp CBD vape companies. Since then, things have, also not surprisingly, gotten even worse. Let’s just jump right into it and see what’s happening. First off, California recently proposed a law

cannabis company board of directors

Should You Join the Board of Directors of a Cannabis Company?

We lawyers get asked to sit on boards with some frequency. At this law firm, those requests are sometimes made by clients and I believe we have always declined, but not for the reasons you may be thinking. In many cases, a lawyer who sits on the board of a company he or she represents


California Cannabis Label Alert: New Prop. 65 Requirements Coming

For better or worse, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (a/k/a Prop. 65) has long plagued California businesses. And cannabis businesses are no exception (see here and here). Prop. 65 requires businesses to provide “a clear and reasonable warning before they cause an exposure to a chemical listed as known to

safe banking act cannabis

The SAFE Banking Act’s Reintroduction in 2021

This week, the SAFE Banking Act’s long-awaited reintroduction finally happened, and by a bipartisan group of over 100 members of the House and 30 members of the Senate (and counting!). The legislation was first introduced in March 2019, and we’ve followed along ever since. This Act has now been passed by the House THREE times,

california cannabis lease

Cannabis Leases: Six Important Landlord Considerations

Last year, I wrote a post entitled “Cannabis Leases: Eight Important Tenant Considerations“. The post outlined eight of the more important considerations for tenants entering into cannabis leases. Today, I want to focus on some of the top considerations for landlords in leasing to cannabis tenants. 1. Compliance with Mortgages Landlords that do not outright

california cannabis rules

California’s Overly Restrictive Cannabis Laws Incentivize Illegal Activity

It’s no secret that California has a massive cannabis illicit market, despite the fact that it is perfectly legal (under state law) to sell cannabis if a business goes through the licensing process and complies with state and local laws. However, since the passage of the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation Act (MAUCRSA), and the

california cannabis litigation

Cannabis Litigation Common Counts: Alternatives to a Breach of Contract Claim

In almost every litigation webinar we’ve done, and in many of our past posts discussing breach of contract (the general breakdown of this claim is here), we’ve stressed the importance of memorializing agreements in writing to save yourself from potential or protracted litigation down the line. Unfortunately though, we still get quite a few prospective