washington cannabis dia map

Washington LCB Updates DIA Map for Social Equity Cannabis Licensees

On February 2, 2023, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (“LCB”) released an update regarding the interactive mapping tool for determining whether people meet have lived in Disproportionately Impacted Areas (“DIA”). As we wrote about here, having lived in a DIA for at least five years between 1980 and 2010 is one of three

cannabis distribution license

New York Cannabis: Distribution Licenses

As we previously broadly summarized on December 27, 2022 (here), in late December 2022, the Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) released its first proposed adult-use cannabis rules and regulation for New York (the “Proposed Regulations”). The official document is 282 pages, so we won’t cover every detail. But we will highlight the big-ticket items, significant issues that

new york adult use cannabis cultivation license

New York’s Adult Use Cannabis Cultivation Licenses

Continuing our series on New York’s cannabis rules and regulations (the Rules), we’re breaking down everything you need to know about the cultivation licenses (check out our other posts in the series here and here). Because there is so much information packed into the regs, we’re doing this FAQ style. What are cannabis cultivation licensees

interestate cannabis commerce

California Inches Towards Interstate Cannabis Agreements

It’s no secret that state cannabis markets across the nation are suffering badly. Because of I.R.C. 280E, lack of access to financial institutions, massive operational expenses, plunging prices, and just gluts of production, it’s not pretty out there. However, there’s a newish light at the end of the tunnel, at least for California and other

hong kong cannabis cbd

Hong Kong Cannabis: Bad News for CBD

Hong Kong and the negative developments taking place there have been the subject of many posts in our sister China Law Blog. But now it is our turn to report on the Fragrant Harbor. Unfortunately, the news is also bad on the cannabis front, just like on the political and economic ones. From February 1

Social and Economic Equity Applicants

New York Cannabis: Social and Economic Equity Applicants

As we previously broadly summarized on December 27, 2022 (here), in late December 2022, the Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) released its first proposed adult-use cannabis rules and regulation for New York (the “Proposed Regulations”). The official document is 282 pages, so we won’t cover every detail. But we will highlight the big-ticket items, significant issues

fda cbd

Breaking: FDA Says “No” to CBD Foods and Dietary Supplements

Since the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, the hemp CBD industry has been eagerly awaiting FDA CBD regulations. In that time, FDA convened a working group to study how the agency would regulate CBD foods and dietary supplements. As of January 26, 2023, the FDA concluded that it will NOT regulate CBD foods or

new york cannabis state of the state

New York Cannabis: State of the State 2023

A lot has happened in New York since the Canna Law Blog’s first New York State of the State. Last year was action-packed for the cannabis industry in New York. With licenses issued and sales starting in 2022, New York got the ball rolling on an actual and legal cannabis industry. We expect 2023 will


Ninth Circuit Affirms Dismissal of RICO Claims Relating to Cannabis

Well, it looks like cannabis RICO lawsuits are not going to happen any time soon. As an update to this post we wrote in 2020, the Ninth Circuit has just affirmed the dismissal of two RICO claims brought by a cannabis business owner. Background of Shulman v. Kaplan As a quick recap, Plaintiff Francine Shulman

chatgpt and cannabis

Will AI Replace Your Cannabis Lawyer? (I Asked ChatGPT)

ChatGPT is all the rage. The GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer”.  Translation: this is a next level, nearly omnipotent chatbot that’s incredibly articulate and conversant. Per Wikipedia: “while the core function of a chatbot is to mimic a human conversationalist, ChatGPT is versatile, including the ability to write and debug computer programs; to compose