new york adult-use cannabis license application

New York’s Adult-Use Cannabis License Application

For our first post on our much-publicized series on New York’s adult-use cannabis rules and regulations, we are going to cover the specifics on the license application process itself. The application requirements tracks the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA), in that it reiterates the two-tier system separating production and retail licenses and includes evaluation

caurd employee hiring

New York’s Cannabis Retail Dispensary Regulations, Part 3: Hiring and Training Your Employees

As we previously broadly summarized on October 31, 2022, the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) released its “Guidance for Adult-Use Dispensaries” (the Regulations) on Friday, October 28, 2022. The Regulations provide guidance for Conditional Adult-Use Retails Dispensary (CAURD) licensees and applicants. Last week, at a hearing with the Cannabis Control Board, it was announced that

fda cbd regulations

FDA CBD Regulations Are On the Way (Sorta)

There has been so much talk from the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) around cannabidiol (“CBD”) regulations that it makes one’s head spin. For years everyone has wondered when, or even if, the FDA would propose and adopt CBD regulations. To date, while taking input from the public on the topic, the FDA mostly has

LA cannabis

Los Angeles Cannabis Audit: Problems, Problems, Problems

On December 1, 2022, the Los Angeles Controller released a report (PDF here) with a pretty lame pun as a name: “High Maintenance: Review of the City’s Cannabis Regulation Efforts.” While the report’s name is bland, it reveals the pretty dire state of Los Angeles’s cannabis regulation and licensing. Since opening up for licensing, LA


USPTO’s Abuse of the “Lawful Use” Trademark Registration Standard

Lawful use in commerce is a requirement for a trademark to be registered in the United States. For cannabis brands, this means that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will not register trademarks used in connection with products that are illegal under federal law, most notably marijuana. However, USPTO’s problematic approach to lawful

new york adult-use cannabis rules

New York’s Adult-Use Cannabis Rules and Regulations: The Series

Way back in Spring of 2021, we ran a series on the New York’s Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, which legalized adult-use cannabis in New York and established the framework for adult-use cannabis licensing. That series of posts covered everything from the available license types to the MRTA’s real estate requirements. In keeping with our

oregon cannabis

Oregon Cannabis: State of the State

Welcome to the seventh annual “State of the State” post on Oregon cannabis. For the first year since program launch, regulated cannabis sales fell in the state. We also saw significant legislative and regulatory changes, further contraction of the hemp industry and a myriad of interesting odds and ends. Overall, it has been a rocky


Oregon Tax Court Rules on Marijuana Grow COGS

For several years one of the biggest problems the cannabis industry has faced is I.R.C. Section 280E. It suffocates the regulated marijuana industry. A recent decision by the Oregon Tax Court addresses Section 280E and what may properly fall under Cost of Goods Sold (“COGS”) in the context of a marijuana grow operation. (See here, here, here, here and here

cannabis litigation

Los Angeles Cannabis Litigation: Cannabis Tenant Prevails

Cannabis litigation is growing as the industry matures. Recently, we’ve seen a suit related to false advertising, but we’re also seeing more traditional business litigation around partnership issues and contract breaches. In Los Angeles, the repeal of Prop. D and implementation of Measure M caused a lot of industry infighting, some of which led to

drive-thru delivery

Oregon Cannabis Rules Update: Drive-Thru, Delivery

Last month, my Portland colleague and cannabis business litigator extraordinaire Jesse Mondry authored a post titled Oregon Cannabis: Drive-Thru Marijuana Sales Ending? On Friday, December 16, we got an answer to that question. The answer, I’m glad to report, is “not at this time.” That determination came via the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission’s (OLCC)