cannabis testing

Oregon Cannabis: Challenging Testing Requirements Take Effect March 1, 2023

I’ve spoken with a handful of clients recently who are anxious about Oregon’s new cannabis testing requirements. These requirements cover heavy metals and microbiological contaminants, and they take effect on March 1, 2023. The scuttlebutt is that many failed tests are inevitable if the labs do their jobs. And the labs are under scrutiny at

california cannabis cafe

AB-347: California Cannabis Cafes

If you’ve been to the red light district in Amsterdam, you may have seen the infamous coffee shops up and down the block. In the U.S., no state has anything remotely close to a cannabis bar or coffee shop where you go to not only purchase your cannabis on site but use it within the

cbd liability

Direct and Ancillary CBD Liability Under the FD&C Act

Not much thought is given to ancillary CBD liability. Why is that? Probably because the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) hasn’t taken any serious enforcement action against any company or individual that aids and abets violations of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act (the “Act”) when it comes to CBD. Still, secondary CBD liability under

gun control cannabis

Will Gun Control Laws Soften for Cannabis Users?

The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 deems cannabis users “prohibited persons” who cannot legally own or possess firearms. In the past, numerous petitioners failed to overturn convictions under this law. That is now changing. In a recent case known as United States v. Harrison, a federal court ruled that cannabis use alone does not

litigation hold

Cannabis Litigation: The Importance of Litigation Holds

We regularly cover litigation on the blog, but today we’re going to cover how to prepare for cannabis litigation that may or may not come. And while it’s always important to have effective systems in place, it becomes even more paramount when our clients realize how involved the discovery process is in the American litigation

new york unlicensed cannabis dispensary

New York City Sues Unlicensed Cannabis Dispensaries and Landlords

As New York cannabis retail licensing proceeds at a snail’s pace, countless businesses are openly selling marijuana products out of unlicensed stores and smoke shops. It is obvious to anyone walking through New York City that the city has been unable to reign in these “businesses.”  After allegedly sending cease and desist notices to those

washington cannabis dia map

Washington LCB Updates DIA Map for Social Equity Cannabis Licensees

On February 2, 2023, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (“LCB”) released an update regarding the interactive mapping tool for determining whether people meet have lived in Disproportionately Impacted Areas (“DIA”). As we wrote about here, having lived in a DIA for at least five years between 1980 and 2010 is one of three

cannabis distribution license

New York Cannabis: Distribution Licenses

As we previously broadly summarized on December 27, 2022 (here), in late December 2022, the Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) released its first proposed adult-use cannabis rules and regulation for New York (the “Proposed Regulations”). The official document is 282 pages, so we won’t cover every detail. But we will highlight the big-ticket items, significant issues that

new york adult use cannabis cultivation license

New York’s Adult Use Cannabis Cultivation Licenses

Continuing our series on New York’s cannabis rules and regulations (the Rules), we’re breaking down everything you need to know about the cultivation licenses (check out our other posts in the series here and here). Because there is so much information packed into the regs, we’re doing this FAQ style. What are cannabis cultivation licensees

interestate cannabis commerce

California Inches Towards Interstate Cannabis Agreements

It’s no secret that state cannabis markets across the nation are suffering badly. Because of I.R.C. 280E, lack of access to financial institutions, massive operational expenses, plunging prices, and just gluts of production, it’s not pretty out there. However, there’s a newish light at the end of the tunnel, at least for California and other