california cannabis receivership
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Receiverships Are Coming to California

California’s cannabis industry is a mess. Between the rampant illegal market, onerous taxation, unnecessarily complicated regulations, debt defaults, and a host of other factors, things have never been worse. Businesses big and small are imploding. Without federal bankruptcy protection, the best tool available to insolvent and nearly insolvent companies is gone. So we’re going to

illegal cannabis market
Canna Law Blog

California Gives Up on the Illegal Cannabis Market

California has the biggest legal cannabis market in the world – it’s a larger economy than some small nations. But while the Golden State’s regulated market is massive, it’s illegal market is far bigger. California has a big illegal cannabis market problem Back in 2019, I quoted reports that there were 3,000 illegal businesses in

cannabis litigation
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Litigation to Watch

As the cannabis economy tanks (with the exception of states that just came online for medical and/or adult-use), cannabis litigation is picking up. Most of this litigation revolves around partnership disputes, unpaid bills, breached contracts, and solvency. All cannabis entrepreneurs and businesses should be mindful of cannabis litigation trends, especially in these lean times. To

california cannabis credit crunch
Canna Law Blog

California Cannabis Credit Crunch

The California cannabis market is truly struggling all the way around. Cannabis businesses and those who work with them closely face mounting financial pressure. Because of the credit crunch in California cannabis, the state and various impacted distributors and brands are taking steps to help shore up the issues created by cannabis companies that can’t

minnesota cannabis
Canna Law Blog

Minnesota Cannabis? You Betcha!

Minnesota is poised to legalize adult-use cannabis with the approval of HF 100 by the state legislature. Governor Tim Walz is expected to sign the bill soon (and may in fact have done so by the time this post goes live), making Minnesota the 23rd state (plus DC, Guam, the Marianas, and the Virgin Islands)

burner license
Canna Law Blog

California “Burner Licenses” Continue to Plague

California has no shortage of issues with its legalized cannabis marketplace. For a couple of years now, an open secret in California (and a cautionary tale for other states) is the concept of “burner licenses“. These are licenses issued to a company by the Department of Cannabis Control (“DCC”) that are used to conduct illegal,

new york cannabis microbusiness license
Canna Law Blog

New York Cannabis: Microbusiness Licenses

As we previously broadly summarized on December 27, 2022 (here), in late December 2022, the Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) released its first proposed adult-use cannabis rules and regulation for New York (the “Proposed Regulations”). The official document is 282 pages, so we won’t cover every detail. But we will highlight the big-ticket items, significant issues that

california cannabis cafe
Canna Law Blog

AB-347: California Cannabis Cafes

If you’ve been to the red light district in Amsterdam, you may have seen the infamous coffee shops up and down the block. In the U.S., no state has anything remotely close to a cannabis bar or coffee shop where you go to not only purchase your cannabis on site but use it within the

cannabis distribution license
Canna Law Blog

New York Cannabis: Distribution Licenses

As we previously broadly summarized on December 27, 2022 (here), in late December 2022, the Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) released its first proposed adult-use cannabis rules and regulation for New York (the “Proposed Regulations”). The official document is 282 pages, so we won’t cover every detail. But we will highlight the big-ticket items, significant issues that

interestate cannabis commerce
Canna Law Blog

California Inches Towards Interstate Cannabis Agreements

It’s no secret that state cannabis markets across the nation are suffering badly. Because of I.R.C. 280E, lack of access to financial institutions, massive operational expenses, plunging prices, and just gluts of production, it’s not pretty out there. However, there’s a newish light at the end of the tunnel, at least for California and other