canna law blog

Issues to Consider When Drafting Your Cannabis Licensing Agreement

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the International Trademark Association’s (INTA) Annual Meeting in Seattle, where trademark practitioners from around the world convened to geek out on all things brand-related. One of the prevalent topics of conversation was trademark licensing. While we’ve discussed at length some of the challenges of entering into Intellectual

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Equity Financing: Top 5 Deal Terms Cannabis Founders Must Understand, Before the First Term Sheet

Equity financing has only recently become a viable option for companies in the cannabis industry. As a result, many industry entrepreneurs are unfamiliar with equity financing terms. Also, many entrepreneurs (in many industries) don’t dig deeply into terms they don’t understand, which is a dangerous game. For example, trying to read the National Venture Capital

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BREAKING NEWS: Oregon to “Pause” Acceptance of Marijuana Applications

Yesterday afternoon, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (“OLCC”) published a news release titled “OLCC Will Pause Acceptance of Marijuana License Applications.” This “pause” takes effect Friday, June 15th. The agency’s sudden announcement was a big surprise to almost everyone, and we received a flood of emails and phone calls throughout the afternoon. Personally, I cannot

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California Cannabis: Commercial Leasing Changes in New Emergency Regulations

Last Friday, California released another round of emergency regulations that essentially renewed the existing emergency rules, but with some updates, a fair amount of which affect commercial cannabis leasing. Here are some of the notable ones. “Premises” distinctions defined. SB 94 and AB 133, the statutes enacted in 2017 to implement and refine Prop 64,

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Oregon Marijuana, the Feds and the Williams Memo

Once upon a time, the cannabis industry had something called the Ogden Memorandum. That was back in 2009, prior to any state legalizing cannabis for recreational use. The Ogden Memo gave prosecutorial guidelines to U.S. Attorneys in medical marijuana states. Many people read the Ogden Memo too cavalierly for the feds’ liking (to wit, over

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U.S. Supreme Court Sets a Great Precedent for Cannabis

Back in December, we wrote about Murphy v. NCAA (“Murphy”), a case where the State of New Jersey challenged a federal law that bans states from allowing sports gambling. We explained that this case has important implications for state-legal marijuana programs, because it asks whether the Constitution’s anti-commandeering doctrine prevents the federal government from forcing states

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California Approves First Commercial Cannabis Landlord Insurance Coverage

One of the most important elements of a commercial tenancy is insurance. Generally, the landlord maintains property insurance for damage to the building, existing improvements, and surrounding property, as well as liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage occurring on the premises. The landlord will typically pass the cost of that coverage on to

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International Cannabis Spotlight: The Netherlands

Everyone knows the Netherlands (especially the City of Amsterdam) as a pot capital of the world. Ironically, cannabis sales in the Netherlands are illegal. The country has decriminalized its use and possession to a certain extent, but law enforcement may impose a fine or misdemeanor upon a person in possession of marijuana-based drugs. However, the government

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The Right Blend: Selecting a Board of Directors for Your Cannabis Business

Last week it was announced that Former Speaker of the House John Boehner and Former Governor of Massachusetts William Weld would be joining the Board of Directors of a multi-state cannabis company, Acreage Holdings. First, it’s worth noting the significance of John Boehner–once third-in-line for the US Presidency–taking such a position in a marijuana company.

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Dreaming of an Oregon-California Cannabis Exchange

Yesterday, we received a call from Congressman Earl Blumenauer’s office here in Portland, Oregon. The purpose of the call was to discuss an idea to deal with the oversupply of marijuana in the state sanctioned Oregon market. Specifically, the idea was to explore the possibility of an interstate compact with California, where Oregon would sell