Mexico Employment Law

Mexico Employment Law Basics

1. Mexico Employment Law Basics With China risks increasing and decoupling from China accelerating, Mexico is poised to take on an even greater role in the ongoing global supply chain rearrangement. Companies that are relocating some or all of their production to Mexico need to be aware of what is legally required to hire local

Dao Entities

Key Considerations for a DAO Legal Entity Type

We have been writing and making videos discussing some of the legal basics around DAOs, such as the various DAO legal entity types and governance. DAOs seeking to register a legal entity encounter challenges. These challenges are present because many of the current options for legal entity structures were designed for centralized operations — which

China and Web3

Looking to Score: Web3 and Soccer

In a sign of Web3’s mainstreamization, companies in the space are sponsoring soccer teams. For readers not familiar with the topic, soccer sponsorships are a really big deal. Spain’s Real Madrid gets €70 million a year from Emirates to display the airline’s name on their shirts. The Dubai-based airline, by the way, sponsors three other

Talk to a lawyer

Insurance Agents … But With Better Suits and Shoes*

Every disaster – and at this point I think we can number the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-202X among them – produces “winners”, people and companies who benefit. Just over 10 years ago I was living in Japan when a devastating earthquake and resultant tsunami killed nearly 20,000 people, with another 2,500 missing and presumed dead.

U.S. Estate Planning and Law for International Families

U.S. Estate Planning and Law for International Families

Thanks to globalization, many of us have family all over the world. If you live outside the U.S., but have relatives in the U.S., you may someday find that you have been named a beneficiary of a will governed by U.S. law. You might also find that even though your recently departed relative lived outside

HB logo on gray background

Internet Dangers to Your Business

Across practices, we are seeing the internet turn into an enemy for businesses dealing with federal law enforcement. Companies of all stripes need to be aware of the dangers of the Internet, and in particular what is being said about them online. If your products are subject to federal government scrutiny, you should be aware

Federal Legislation Gets the Attention, but State Laws Matter Also

Federal Legislation Gets the Attention, but State Laws Also Matter

If you’re not American, U.S. politics can be confusing. And believe us, even if you are American, they’re confusing. The United States has been mired in a partisan struggle for several decades (some would say, for the past 245 years), and during the past 10 years it has been particularly difficult to pass legislation through


Web3 Trademarks: Be Basic

With the rapid growth of the Web3 economy shaking up things across legal fields, it is not surprising that the registration of Web3 trademarks is raising novel issues. Web3 businesses should, of course, keep these issues on their radar when crafting brand strategies, but at the same time they must not neglect trademark basics. Similarity

trademarking foreign words with USPTO

Trademarking Foreign Words: Be Careful

For some brands, trademarking foreign words or phrases might hit just the right note in terms of image. The word “bakery” might make consumers in Seattle think of their local Safeway, while boulangerie evokes flaky, buttery croissants in Paris. Yet the use of foreign words raises certain issues when it comes to registering trademarks in

Alternative DIspute Resolution ADR

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation, Arbitration, and Appraisal

Over the years, “Alternative Dispute Resolution” (ADR) has become more and more prevelant in both contract drafting as well as litigation. Far from being an “alternative,” most disputes at some point will involve some degree of ADR, whether required by contract, by the courts, or driven by the costs of litigation. Despite the name “alternative,”