In just the last couple of months, China has changed, and doing business with China has reached another level of risk. Unprecedented multilateral sanctions have been placed on Russia and there is talk about extending some or all of those sanctions to China. Even if the EU and the United States do not put new sanctions on China, there already has been and will continue to be fallout from China having sided with Russia. Not only that, but the sanctions against Russia greatly impact doing business with China.
And then there is COVID in China and China’s COVID policy.
Russia’s war against Ukraine also shows how quickly and easily geopolitical tensions can and do impact international trade.
- Is your company prepared for the new geopolitical reality?
- What can your company do to do avoid getting caught in the swirling economic and political crossfire?
- Do you have a plan for when China supply chains and market access suddenly change overnight?
- What should you be doing now to protect your business?
Moderated by Joanna Chiu, senior reporter for the Toronto Star, and the author of China Unbound: A New World Disorder, join experts Brent Carlson, Isaac Stone Fish, and Dan Harris on for a 1.5 hour discussion critical for any company doing business in or with China.
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