canna law blog

Oregon Cannabis Delivery: How to Enter the Market

In the past year or so, we have seen an influx of cannabis delivery businesses enter the Oregon market– specifically in Portland. Those businesses are getting a lot of press, and we have received multiple inquiries from outfits looking to enter this space. Given this growing interest, we thought we would go over some of

canna law blog

Industrial Hemp and the Banks: Slow Going

We have spilled a lot of ink on this blog related to the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp at the federal level. It’s huge news. And there are so many ramifications, from food law to trademarks to the financial services environment. This blog post is going to cover financial institutions and hemp at about

canna law blog

2019 Will Be a Banner Year for Cannabis Mergers and Acquisitions

We handle a lot of cannabis M & A in our Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland offices. Over the years, it’s become pretty clear that in robustly regulated cannabis states, the secondary market for buying and selling businesses really peaks (after initial legalization) as local and state governments finally begin to settle their

canna law blog

Starting a Cannabis Business: What Contracts Do You Really Need?

You can spend a lot of money on lawyers, accountants and consultants when starting a cannabis business. There is so much ground to cover from concept to execution– especially in a complex and highly regulated industry. Related to this issue, we have written on this blog about finding a team, and we have talked about

canna law blog

Cannabis Non-Compete Agreement? Send it Up in Smoke.

Marijuana has been legal in Oregon for about three years now. Employees with specialized skills are starting to jump ship and head to competitors. What do you do, as an employer, if a candidate for employment shows you a non-competition agreement they signed with their former employer? Typically, the former employer will go after the

canna law blog

Protecting Your Cannabis Copyrights (Yes, You Have Them)

Copyright is an aspect of intellectual property (IP) law less frequently considered by cannabis businesses than trademark, trade secrets or even patents it seems. Yet, like these other forms of intellectual property, copyrights can afford their holders with market dominance and profitability when utilized correctly. Almost all marijuana businesses own numerous unregistered copyrights, whether or

canna law blog

The Anatomy of a Cannabis Trademark TTAB Decision

We’ve written extensively about the dos and don’ts of filing cannabis-related state and federal trademarks, and we all know by now that you cannot obtain a federal trademark registration for goods or services that are not lawful pursuant to federal law. But I’ve heard a lot of creative arguments in this space, and have had many

canna law blog

Top Five Things Your CBD Business Needs to Consider

It is no secret that cannabidiol (CBD) is having a moment right now. Unlike its cousin tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is another cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, CBD is not psychoactive. It has been growing in popularity for years for medical and other applications, but has really taken off lately. Though CBD has become increasingly

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Equity Financing: Top 5 Deal Terms Cannabis Founders Must Understand, Before the First Term Sheet

Equity financing has only recently become a viable option for companies in the cannabis industry. As a result, many industry entrepreneurs are unfamiliar with equity financing terms. Also, many entrepreneurs (in many industries) don’t dig deeply into terms they don’t understand, which is a dangerous game. For example, trying to read the National Venture Capital

canna law blog

The Right Blend: Selecting a Board of Directors for Your Cannabis Business

Last week it was announced that Former Speaker of the House John Boehner and Former Governor of Massachusetts William Weld would be joining the Board of Directors of a multi-state cannabis company, Acreage Holdings. First, it’s worth noting the significance of John Boehner–once third-in-line for the US Presidency–taking such a position in a marijuana company.