cannabis transaction closing

Cannabis M&A and Real Estate Transactions: What is a Closing?

Virtually any time that there are transactions involving cannabis company mergers, cannabis company acquisitions, or cannabis real estate sales, and in many cases involving the sale of assets of a cannabis company, the parties are likely to encounter a concept called “closing” in their purchase agreements. Closing isn’t necessarily unique to purchase and sale situations

new york cannabis real estate bank

New York Real Estate and Cannabis: Part 1

Here at the Canna Law Blog, we had intended to start our series on the real estate implications of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) with a discussion of issues faced by each license type. But after reading The New York Times’ recent article on the real estate “rush” caused by the MRTA, we

forced labor cannabis slavery marijuana

Forced Labor and Cannabis

In recent weeks, I have spoken to several entrepreneurs interested in growing cannabis in Africa for exportation to the United States and other markets. It is not hard to see their attraction to the idea: The areas in question have suitable climates to grow cannabis, while inputs such as land and labor are relatively inexpensive.

uspto cannabis marijuana trademark

USPTO Refusal To Register Cannabis Trademarks Hurts Public

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s policy of rejecting applications to register trademarks that identify nonhemp cannabis products, as well as certain hemp CBD products, reflects an unduly doctrinaire approach that ultimately makes Americans less safe. As the cannabis industry continues to enter the business mainstream, the extension of trademark rights to cannabis companies’ products

California Cannabis Supply Chain Fees

California Cannabis Supply Chain Contracts: Fee-Shifting Provisions

California’s cannabis regime is set up to separate every point in the supply chain into different license types: cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, testing, and retail sales, to name a few. Except for a few vertically integrated companies, virtually all cannabis businesses must rely on other companies in the supply chain to get products from farm to

California Cannabis Changes: What Might We See From the DCC?

California Cannabis Changes: What Might We See From the DCC?

In January 2020, Governor Newsom announced that he intended to have the Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC), California Department of Food and Agriculture’s CalCannabis Program (CDFA), and California Department of Public Health’s Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch (CDPH), consolidated into a single cannabis agency: the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) (as summarized in the Governor’s 2021

Cannabis Litigation: Third-Party Subpoenas and the Illegality Defense

Cannabis Litigation: Third-Party Subpoenas and the Illegality Defense

This post discusses the use of the federal “illegality defense” in connection with third-party subpoenas in litigation. Let’s start with a review of the illegality defense.  Cannabis litigators, investors, and companies who decide to file a lawsuit arising out of a business transaction likely are familiar with the “illegality defense.” An initial question is choosing

A Primer On Your Duty to Preserve Evidence – And What Can Happen If You Don’t

A Primer On the Duty to Preserve Evidence – And What Can Happen If You Don’t

Most people know that any party to litigation unquestionably owes an “uncompromising duty to preserve” what they know or reasonably should know may be relevant evidence in their lawsuit. What they don’t know is this is true before any discovery requests are served, and sometimes, even before the complaint is filed. Here’s a primer on