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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XIV

Because we are always calling for marijuana to be examined on scientific grounds, we are always happy to see scientists endorse it. Dr. Oz, a cardiothoracic surgeon and professor at Columbia University, recently declared his shift on marijuana: I grew up like most of my generation believing that marijuana was something Satan was throwing at Americans, a communist

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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XIII

Even the FBI seems ready to re-think its policy of prioritizing marijuana eradication over hiring good people. A Wall Street Journal article entitled, FBI Grappling With Hiring Policy Concerning Marijuana notes how “Congress has authorized the FBI to add 2,000 personnel to its rolls this year, and many of those new recruits will be assigned to tackle cybercrimes,

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No Federal Irrigation Water for Marijuana Growers

Though the Department of Justice has been sticking by its promise to stand down when it comes to legalized marijuana, its sister agencies have been dragging their feet. The newest cannabis foe to line up beside the IRS and the Department of Treasury? The Bureau of Reclamation. While some of you have probably never heard

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They Said it on Marijuana: Quotable Saturday, Part XII

Today’s quote comes from esteemed economist and Nobel Prize-winner Milton Friedman. In an interview in the early 90s (back before the widespread horrors perpetrated by the cartels on civilians throughout Mexico and Central and South America became as widespread and known as today), Friedman spoke out on the moral and economic aspects of the war on

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They Said it on Marijuana Quotable Saturday, Part XI

Etiquette Doyenne and businessperson Martha Stewart knows how to roll joints, and she is not the least bit shy about that. In a Huffington Post article last year, Ms. Stewart flat out said, “Of course I know how to roll a joint.” And that’s a good thing. Here’s hoping that when marijuana is fully legalized (if

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They Said it on Marijuana Quotable Saturday, Part X

When I think of Richard Nixon and marijuana, I think about the famous picture of him (below) with Elvis Presley. Nixon gave Presley a Bureau of Narcotics badge and worked (a bit anyway) with Presley on eliminating drug use. But even Nixon realized that possessing marijuana should not be a crime, as is evidenced by

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Top Ten Marijuana Industry Red Flags

We’ve been marijuana business lawyers for a long time now and in multiple states, and being on the front lines of this industry means that we have seen a lot of good and bad actors. In this post, we share the Top Ten Marijuana Industry Red Flags so that you know what to look for to

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They Said It On Marijuana Quotable Saturday, Part VII

Jay Leno — love him or hate him — made countless funny jokes in his career as host of “The Tonight Show,” and at least one of those jokes makes for a memorable marijuana quote: Forty million Americans smoked marijuana; the only ones who didn’t like it were Judge Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton.

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They Said It On Marijuana Quotable Saturday, Part VI

It should come as little surprise that someone as demonstrably brilliant as Albert Einstein saw the idiocy of prohibition, and he had this to say on it: The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the

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They Said It On Marijuana Quotable Saturday, Part IV

This is our fourth post in our ongoing series of Saturday posts featuring great quotes regarding cannabis, mostly from public figures. This one is from astronomer Carl Sagan, the author of more than 600 scientific papers. Apparently, Sagan was very frustrated (as our we) with how science was playing no part in the banning of marijuana back in his day: