canna law blog

Michigan Court Rules Pot Stinks And That’s A Nuisance

Oooh oooh that smell — can’t you smell that smell?  Ok, we couldn’t resist trotting out the oft-repeated Lynyrd Skynyrd lyric. In all seriousness though, a recent Washtenaw County, Michigan court ruling discussing marijuana odor gives us an opportunity to remind canna businesses and home-growers alike to keep their smells to themselves. Neighbors had been

canna law blog

Florida Marijuana Draft Rules Just Out

We’ve said it time and time again, when state agencies start rolling out their marijuana regulatory rules is when things begin to happen. This is also a time when planning too early or too late can mean an ineligible cannabis application. On July 2, the Florida Department of Health issued its first draft regulatory rules for

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XIX

Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man…. Marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision. It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for DEA to continue to stand between those

canna law blog

Marijuana Decriminalization Versus Legalization: A Difference That Matters

Many people use decriminalization and legalization synonymously and interchangeably, and that’s not correct. Decriminalization essentially means that a given activity no longer qualifies as criminal conduct and can only be treated as a civil infraction, but that activity is unregulated. Legalization ultimately means the ability to lawfully regulate a given activity, as well as the

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XVIII

We know that most of you are no doubt already familiar with what Bill Clinton said on marijuana when he was running for President, but we thought now would be a good time to bring it up again since he will be appearing on Meet the Press tomorrow to discuss, among other things, marijuana.  Anyway, for the

canna law blog

Marijuana Edibles In Washington State: The NEW Rules You NEED To Know

Washington State’s Liquor Control Board issued new “emergency” rules yesterday, mostly dealing with marijuana-infused food products, commonly called edibles.  The rules were a reaction to recent stories of individuals who ingested too much cannabis from their edibles (see Maureen Dowd’s story here), and of children mistaking cannabis candy for the real thing. If you are making edibles for

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XVI

“We’re the people who love drugs, the people who hate drugs and the people who don’t give a damn about drugs.”  Ethan Nadelmann, on those who support his Drug Policy Alliance. We are always arguing that if national legalization is to succeed, we will need a big tent of those who favor it. In other

canna law blog

Marijuana Business Valuations: Still Mostly an Art, not a Science

For many marijuana business owners, return on investment is based more on its exit value than on its net profits. This is particularly true for minorityshareholders not involved in the business’s day to day operations; their goal is to build up the business as much as possible so as to maximize its sale value. Think

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XV

This week’s quote comes from Morgan Freeman, and it is so simple and so dead-bang obvious that it verges on boring. But sometimes, it bears repeating the incredibly obvious, especially when said by someone really famous. Why not just legalize it and tax it like we do liquor? Good question….