canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CXLIII

Musician and well known cannabis consumer Willie Nelson is right on the nose with this recent quote. Though legalizing marijuana has undoubtedly increased access to it (and in a multitude of forms that aren’t just smokable flower), making marijuana illegal again in all states would not cause all consumers to stop dead in their tracks

canna law blog

CBD in Spain and the EU

Our Barcelona lawyers have lately been receiving a steady stream of calls about producing and distributing cannabidiol-based products around the world, from Spain. Cannabidiol  (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis but unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in cannabis that gives users a high, CBD is non-psychoactive. Studies suggest CBD can be effective in treating

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CXLII

Despite our strong dislike of Jeff Sessions’ views on cannabis, he actually makes a very good point here. It is indeed a concern that Congress has made the possession and distribution of marijuana an illegal act, as that is definitely not something “desired any longer.” With over half the country supporting legalization of recreational marijuana and far

canna law blog

Cannabis Trademarks: The Importance of Monitoring Your Brand

We’ve written about trademark basics, about the importance of trademarking your brand, about choosing a brand that sells, and about how to choose a strong mark. We have even written about the differences between U.S. and Canadian trademarks. But we have not delved into the mechanics of prosecuting a trademark application because, quite frankly, the details

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CXLI

  Cannabis medicine maker and educator Chrystal Ortiz’ ideology on pot touches on two important points: that cannabis should be freed and that humans should be free to experience it. Cannabis grows naturally, but with stigma and misinformation attached; enough stigma and misinformation to keep it federally illegal and away from many who could benefit from

canna law blog

Marijuana Banking Band-Aid? Senators Push For More Cannabis Banking Guidance

There has been a ton of speculation about what President-elect Donald Trump and his nominee for U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, will do about state-legal marijuana in the next four years. Some industry and political experts think a renewed War on Drugs is coming, while others believe neither Trump nor Sessions will undertake the politically

canna law blog

Bank Loans on Cannabis Property: Tread Carefully

My law firm represents a large number of cannabis operators in Oregon, Washington and California. Some of these operators own the land they trade on; others simply lease. Whenever we are lucky enough to meet the client before the onset of cannabis activity, our first question is often whether the target property is mortgaged, or

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday

Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr has a perspective on cannabis to which we all should subscribe: open-minded, supportive, and adverse to stigma (just the way Kerr coaches). Though Kerr himself has used marijuana medicinally and did not find it effective for his own pain, he is still able to identify that a) cannabis

canna law blog

They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part CXXXIX

California Lt. Governor Newsom is right. Though Attorney General-Elect Sessions preposterously declares that marijuana smokers are “bad people,” that does not mean the majorities who voted for legalization will accept such absurdity. Marijuana won in so many states this past election not because of an upswing in either liberal or conservative voters (we’ve written multiple times on how