drug paraphernalia

Cannabis Paraphernalia: Protecting Your Brand Amid Federal Prohibition

The days of smoking cannabis out of apples is over. Smoking devices are readily accessible in tobacco shops and cannabis retailers, and their production and sale are big business. Creative shapes and sizes impress and create unique smoking experiences. However, as states across the U.S. continue to legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use, the

cannabis license agreement

Common Pitfalls in Cannabis Brand License Agreements

Cannabis companies and (depending on the state) brands often use license agreements to grow their brands. If done correctly, they can be a huge driver of revenue for the brands and licensees, and can grow the good will of the brand across a particular territory. However, they are notoriously easy to botch. A bad license

cannabis edibles

Unwrapping the Legal Battles Against Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis companies are often unclear about what edible products are legal to manufacture and distribute. While some cannabis edibles may be legal on a state level, federal regulations prohibit placing some cannabinoids in food altogether. This legal landscape is often confusing for cannabis edibles manufactures, who see their products as a natural expansion of cannabis

delta-8 trademark

Delta-8 Trademarks Update

The impact on Delta-8 THC (“D8”) of AK Futures v. Boyd Street Distro, a 2022 Ninth Circuit decision, has been widely exaggerated. As my colleague Griffen Thorne explains: What AK Futures actually did was affirm a preliminary ruling in a trademark dispute where legality of delta-8 products was one of a number of issues at play. In order to

china business event

China Manufacturing Tips for Cannabis Brands

We are seeing in an uptick in China-related matters involving cannabis brands. Here are three tips for cannabis brands that are getting their products made in China: 1. Sign a Contract As I recently wrote in our sister blog, “while having a contract provides no guarantee of smooth operations or favorable dispute resolution, a well-drafted

cannabis trade secrets

How to Kill Your Cannabis Trade Secrets in One Simple Sentence

Cannabis businesses use non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) constantly. This may be due to a series of factors, or some combination thereof: 1) the relative hardship of acquiring and protecting intellectual property over marijuana-related processes and products, today and historically; 2) a general modus operandi of “close to the vest” dealings in an industry that historically was

cannabis rescheduling and trademarks

Cannabis Rescheduling and Trademarks

Cannabis rescheduling appears to be a matter of time and my colleagues have written about the possible implications (see here, here, and here). Rescheduling to a less restrictive category will also have implications for trademarking by cannabis brands. By broadening the legality of cannabis goods and services, rescheduling will also make more canna trademarks eligible

China cannabis

Cannabis Brands and China: An Emerging IP Challenge

Cannabis Brands and China Challenges Cannabis brands account for a sizeable component of my law firm’s intellectual property work (and, indeed, our work generally). Historically, there has been little overlap between our cannabis and China practice areas, beyond our representing a number of cannabis ancillary product companies on their China manufacturing matters. This is starting to change,


Taste the Injunction: Unsweet Ending for Skittles Infringer

This post written by Harris Sliwoski attorney Fred Rocafort was originally published on July 20, 2023 on The Trademark Lawyer website and is republished here with their permission. Candymaker Wrigley and Terphogz, LLC have reached a settlement in a high-profile lawsuit over Terphogz’s use of the mark ZKITTLEZ on cannabis products and other merchandise such

registering your trademarks

Registering Your Trademarks: A How-To Guide

Registering your trademarks is a critical step for protecting your brand – but it’s definitely not easy to figure out without experience. Trademarks are unique identifiers, most often company or product names or logos, but slogans, hashtags, and even 3D shapes, sounds and scents can also constitute trademarks, if used in connection with specific products