cannabis contract notice and cure

Notice and Cure Provisions

Here’s a scenario our cannabis lawyers and litigation team have experienced countless times: A client calls and wants to take immediate action for breach of a cannabis contract. They want to terminate the contract. Or evict a tenant. Or file a lawsuit. The first question I always ask these clients is whether the contract contains

cannabis company governance

Is Cannabis Corporate Governance Important?

Ask any good lawyer the question, “is cannabis corporate governance important?” The answer will be a resounding yes. So why is it often ignored? Why do so many cannabis businesses treat governance as a box to tick on a checklist just once? Here’s a fact pattern our cannabis attorneys have seen time and time again:

Headshot of Eli Neal

Cannabis Business Valuation: Eli Neal of 4 Corners Financial Forensics– Global Law and Business Podcast

Listen HERE or stream on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, or Soundcloud! At Harris Sliwoski, we keep close tabs on what is happening around the world, and we know that our friends and clients do, as well. We are happy to provide this podcast series: Global Law and Business, hosted by international attorneys Fred Rocafort and Jonathan Bench, where we look at the world

cannabis company investors securities

Dealing with Cannabis Investors

Lately I have been spending a lot of time engaging with clients who are dealing with cannabis investors. I work with companies and investors. Between public and private cannabis companies, the suite of investors runs the gamut from friends and family to key employees, executives, and board members with equity and synthetic equity grants, to

stolen cannabis insurance coverage

A “How To” on Insurance for Marijuana Theft in Transit

These days, marijuana is constantly on the move in states with marijuana legal reform. As a result, marijuana theft in transit is not unusual (see here and here for example). Typically, licensees have to transport marijuana themselves or a licensed distributor does it on their behalf. Some of these companies may carry their own insurance

cannabis insurance reserve rights

My Cannabis Business Insurer Reserved Rights. What Does That Mean?

Many insurance coverage issues in the cannabis space are relatively new. From fire protection at farms to theft protection in transit, policyholders and insurers alike are facing novel situations applied to old policy language. In the insurance world, when a new or complicated situation presents itself, many insurers will conditionally accept coverage under a “reservation

cannabis marijuana pun

Can We All Cool It with the Cannabis Puns Please?

I recently received a random marketing email in which I was greeted with the word “high” in place of the word “hi”. My first reaction was a long, visceral cringe. My second was the thought, “hey, if I – just a lowly cannabis industry lawyer and not an actual cannabis industry stakeholder – am so

My Insurer Is Stonewalling: Can I Get Attorneys’ Fees For That? (In Washington, You Might)

My Cannabis Business Insurer Is Stonewalling: Can I Get Attorneys’ Fees For That? (In Washington, You Might)

Insurance issues in the cannabis space are multiplying daily as operations continue to expand across United States markets. Cannabis companies face the risk of operational losses as a result of fires, burglary, business interruptions, and myriad other events. Cannabis companies also pay hefty premiums on insurance policies to cover those very losses. Many companies discover,

cannabis business purchase agreement

Buying a Cannabis Business: Step By Step

I often write about various discrete aspects of cannabis M&A transactions. A full list of my posts, along with other Canna Law Blog contributors’ posts, is linked at the bottom of this post. Today, rather than looking at individual elements of a cannabis M&A transaction, I want to walk through what a transaction looks like

oregon cannabis compliance

Oregon Cannabis Compliance: Three Common Problems

An Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) licensee must comply with all rules stemming from ORS 475B. There are a lot of them. These rules have been in a constant state of flux since 2015, and they are buttressed by other sets of permanent rules, temporary rules, proposed rules, bulletins and guidance. In my experience,