M&A Schedule

Cannabis M&A: Disclosure Schedules

My last post in this series, which ran a few weeks ago, went over some of the more common representations and warranties you’d see in the average cannabis M&A transaction. In that post, I briefly mentioned disclosure schedules, which are an integral part of a purchase agreement and its reps and warranties. Today, I’ll get

panama medical marijuana hemp

Panama Set to Have Legal Medical Cannabis, But Hemp Bill Stalls

Back in October 2019, Deputy Kayra Harding introduced a bill (Proyecto de Ley No. 323) to promote the development of the hemp industry in Panama. The bill would establish a licensing regime for hemp cultivation and processing. Hemp is defined as cannabis whose THC content does not exceed 1.5% on a dry weight basis. However,

hemp cannabis california

Hemp, Hemp, Hooray in California! AB 45 is Now Law

As we anticipated, AB-45, California’s comprehensive legislation that finally regulates (and legitimizes) industrial hemp products is now law and takes effect immediately. Governor Newsom signed the bill into law this week. Pretty huge step in the right direction for California’s booming hemp products marketplace. How far has California come on the hemp spectrum when it

cannabis business ownership

50/50 Cannabis Business Ownership: A Terrible Idea

There are a lot of bad ways to set up a cannabis business, and we like to think that we’ve seen them all. But there’s probably no worse category than 50/50 ownership of a business – a recipe for all sorts of disasters. Let’s look and why that is, and some ways to avoid it.

california cannabis financial ownership license dcc

California’s Adopted Emergency Cannabis Regulations: What Made the Cut

We wrote a couple of times about the Department of Cannabis Control’s (DCC) proposed emergency regulations. See here and here. Under those regulations, some interesting changes were proposed around the definitions of owners and financial interest holders, alongside restrictions on license stacking on “contiguous” premises (among other things). On September 15, 2021, the DCC submitted

german cannabis marijuana

Following German Elections, Green, Yellow and Even Red All Mean Go for Cannabis

Germans have delightful ways of describing political coalitions. My favorite is the Jamaica coalition, called this way because the colors of the political parties involved are those of the Jamaican flag: green, yellow and black. Following Germany’s elections on September 26, the most likely outcome is a traffic light coalition, made up by the Social

hemp cbd gmp label fda

Hemp-Derived Products: The Law Does Not Stop at Labeling Requirements

I work with many manufacturers and distributors of hemp-derived products and am often surprised by the fact that few understand their general obligations beyond labeling requirements. Every state that authorizes and formally regulates the manufacture, distribution, and sale of these products – Colorado is a good example – imposes stringent manufacturing requirements that squarely align

oregon cannabis marijuana hemp olcc oda

Oregon Cannabis: Key Updates from the OLCC at Third Annual Cannabis Law Institute

Last Friday and Saturday, members of the Oregon Bar gathered (online) for the third annual Cannabis Law Institute (CLI) put on by the Cannabis and Psychedelics Law Section of the Oregon State Bar. Topics included agricultural liens and receiverships, securities in the cannabis industry, federal and state hemp updates, Oregon’s Psilocybin Act, and the failures

isle of man medical marijuana cannabis

The Isle of Man Looks to Become a Medical Cannabis Hub

Last year, the Isle of Man’s parliament (Tynwald) amended the Misuse of Drugs Act 1976, in order to provide a legal framework for the development of a cannabis industry on the island.  Specifically, the Act now allows the Gambling Supervision Commission (GSC) to except cannabinol, cannabinol derivatives, cannabis, or cannabis resin (other than a medical cannabis

sisley v dea marijuana cannabis

Sisley v. DEA: A Petition for Rehearing Has Been Filed

In follow-up to this post, we are happy to report that Dr. Sisley is still fighting the good fight: on Monday, Petitioners filed a Petition for Panel Rehearing or Rehearing En Banc. Although it’s not uncommon for these to get filed, few and far in between are granted (filing such a petition to rehash the