canna law blog

California Proposition 65 And Marijuana: Know Your Obligations

Products liability and its application to marijuana businesses is a topic we’ve discussed at great length. In California, however, marijuana business owners have additional cause for concern: Proposition 65. California’s Proposition 65, or the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, requires the State to publish a list of chemicals known to cause

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Anti-Marijuana Propaganda: The (D)Evolution of the Rhetoric

Our cannabis business lawyers are always interested in what is being said to support the “War on Drugs.” It is important to know what our opponents are thinking, how they strategize, and what they are trying to push for how to handle cannabis at the federal and state levels. Looking at the evolution of the rhetoric

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Marijuana Zoning in Oregon: All Over the Map

We regularly get calls from clients in Oregon who are trying to figure out whether the property they’ve selected for their recreational marijuana business complies with applicable zoning regulations. Unfortunately, it is not yet clear what zoning regulations pertaining to recreational marijuana businesses will look like, because much of this regulation is left to individual cities

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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part LXIII

“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”                                        

canna law blog

Cannabis Businesses Laws: It’s Almost All Local

Cannabis businesses far too often come to one of our cannabis lawyers after they’ve opened their doors in violation of applicable local laws. Making matters worse is that they never learn of their violation by poring over their city or county code in their spare time; they find out by being on the wrong end of a

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The Future of Marijuana Licensing: Greater Barriers to Entry?

We’re starting to see a distinct trend with state-sanctioned marijuana operational licenses: the “pay-to-play, greatest barrier to entry” model. In this sort of system, there is usually some combination of the following, all geared towards reducing the number of cannabis businesses actually granted a license and towards making sure that those with licenses are very well-funded:

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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part LXII

Robert Hooke, one of the greatest scientists/inventors ever, used cannabis way back in the 17th century. He considered marijuana as a reason for laughter, not fear: He [Robert Hooke] was possibly the most inventive person who ever lived . . . . Hooke discovered the cell by looking at a piece of cork with one

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Marijuana Lounges: All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go

What comes to mind when you think of Amsterdam? Typically, Van Gogh, historic churches, beautiful canals, and marijuana. Amsterdam is famous for its “coffee shops,” where patrons can purchase and consume marijuana on-site. In light of the success of recent legalization efforts on this side of the Atlantic, we have to ask: where are America’s

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Marijuana Legalization: Bad For The Cartels

Marijuana legalization has already led to many benefits in the United States, ranging from increased tax revenues to decreasing usage by minors to lowering incarceration rates for non-violent marijuana offenders. But marijuana legalization is also putting a substantial dent into what the Department of Justice calls the “greatest organized crime threat to the United States,”

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They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part LIIX

Animosity between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana proponents has of late been increasing, especially in Washington State where the legislature recently enacted laws that will eventually lead to the the shutting down of all medical cannabis dispensaries. For more on this, check out Washington State Overhauls Its Medical Marijuana System. We are troubled by this