Matt Goldberg

Matt Goldberg is a seasoned commercial litigator and business lawyer who also serves as general counsel to the firm.

A cartoon dinosaur holds a group of sheep, with one sheep prominently visible. The dinosaur appears happy.

Beyond Regurgitation: Transformative Fair Use in the Training of AI

AI and Fair Use When the New York Times sued OpenAI, the allegation grabbing the most headlines concerned ChatGPT sometimes producing, as output to the user, all or substantially all of an actual article previously published by the Times. It has been widely reported that OpenAI accuses the Times of deliberately instigating GPT to “regurgitate”

AI legal issues

Garbage In, Garbage Out: Sabotaging Your Own Content to Thwart AI Training

In its ongoing efforts to satisfy ChatGPT’s colossal appetite for content on which to “train” its algorithms, OpenAI continues to announce major licensing deals with partners ranging from traditional publishing stalwarts like Time and The Atlantic to user-generated content platforms like Reddit and Stack Overflow (and its sister site Stack Exchange, which will be referred