The China Law Blog focuses on the practical aspects of Chinese law and how it impacts foreign companies that do business in or with China. The goal is to help readers understand what works and what does not work and what businesspeople can do to use the law to their advantage. China Law Blog’s aim is to assist businesses already in China or planning to go into China, not to break new ground in legal theory or policy.

China copyright infringement

China Fansub Groups and Copyright Infringement

Before the Lunar New Year, Shanghai police cracked down on one of the largest subtitle groups in China, Renren Yingshi ( The police arrested 14 people (not the actual translators but people who run the business). According to officials, Renren Yingshi is suspected of pirating more than 20,000 television shows and films and of earning

China's Dual Circulation Economic Policy

China’s Dual Circulation Policy and the U.S. Response

As the PRC plans for the next decade of Xi Jinping rule, economic planning is at the forefront. Xi Jinping’s core policy for that decade is his new concept of dual circulation 双循环. The concept is that for economic development China must rely both on domestic economic development and on China’s participation in the international

China trademarks for sound

Trademarking a Sound in China

Trademarks are not limited to words or drawings and can include sensory marks such as colors, smells and sounds. In the US, the USPTO recognizes sounds as trademarks if the sounds make you think of a company’s product or service. MGM’s roaring lion, Homer Simpson’s D’OH, and 20th Century Fox’s fanfare are all famous sounds

China product development lawyer

China Product Development: Manufacturing Rights are Key

Our international manufacturing lawyers are always being asked how to structure product development relationships with Chinese companies so the foreign buyer company actually ends up with the rights to the product that gets developed. This post addresses that issue. The key is to focus on manufacturing rights, rather than on intellectual property rights, especially when

The Nationalist Agenda Behind China Opening Up to Foreign Banks

China’s Nationalist Agenda Behind Its Opening Up to Foreign Banks

In a recent op-ed, I wrote how the controversy over Disney’s Mulan embodies some of the ethical dilemmas and pitfalls that face companies doing business in China. On one hand, to maintain their presence in China these companies must comply with the demands and expectations of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). On the other hand,

China Design Patents

Who Owns Your Product Design?

When foreign buyers purchase products from Chinese factories the big issue is usually who owns the design of the product. This issue is often discussed in a theoretical way, based on intellectual property law principles, without getting to the real point. You are having a product made at Chinese Factory A. You decide the price

China employee questions

So You Want to Take Your Business Global?

We were prompted to write this post by talk that Mexico should consider joining the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership). But how many Mexican companies can really take advantage of the opportunities these sorts of trade agreements bring? How many Mexican companies are in a position to penetrate other markets? There’s nothing wrong with internationalism, but as

China product development lawyer

International Product Development Agreements: The Basics

1. The Product Development Stage is the Riskiest Stage of Manufacturing Companies doing overseas contract manufacturing often “co-develop” products with their overseas manufacturers. In some cases, the company seeking a manufacturer has completed product development and the only involvement from the manufacturer will be to figure out how to manufacture the product at high volumes.

two people holding puzzle piece with chinese and american flag

U.S. China Policy Under Biden: New Ground or Back to the Past?

Biden won the election. So what will be the China policy of the new administration? Will Biden follow the lead of Trump and Pompeo? Will Biden return to the accommodating policy of the Obama/Bush era? Or will Biden dig new ground? Biden and his team have carefully avoided tipping their hand on the direction the