cannabis code enforcement
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Code Enforcement Fines Must be Remedial, Not Punitive, Federal Court of Appeal Holds

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal has reinstated a civil rights lawsuit against Humboldt County, California, that challenges the county’s practices in imposing punitive daily fines. It is the first time a federal appellate court has weighed in on local government’s enforcement of code violations involving cannabis farms. The Court of Appeal decision The decision,

california easement
Canna Law Blog

California Appeals Court Rejects Marijuana Grow Permit, Citing Federal Illegality

In a landmark decision that highlights the tension between state and federal cannabis laws, a California appellate court ruled on October 29th that property owners can refuse to allow the transportation of cannabis across their land via easements, even when the cannabis operation is approved by local authorities. The Second District Court of Appeal’s unanimous

cannabis investment
Canna Law Blog

Foreign Investment in U.S. Cannabis: Five Key Considerations

Cannabis investments are difficult enough when the investor is a U.S.-based person or entity. But things can get immensely more complicated when foreign investment is on the table. Today I want to highlight some of the top considerations for foreign investors and U.S. cannabis companies alike. 1. Legality could cause serious headaches To this day,

Magnifying glass focusing on a document titled "cannabis contract" with an authority's cannabis leaf symbol in the background.
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Contracts 101: Authority and Why it Matters

Cannabis contracts are – in the simplest sense – binding agreements between two parties. But how you get to something being “binding” can be complicated. And in the cannabis industry, where things move a mile a second and people often overlook basic contract requirements, the results can be disastrous. Today I want to focus on

interstate commerce cannabis
Canna Law Blog

Changing Interstate Cannabis Sales

As states slowly but inevitably continue to legalize cannabis medically or recreationally, we often need to be reminded that cannabis is still illegal on the federal level. Due to this widespread, ineffective prohibition, the cannabis industry and its many operators must follow a very extensive and strict set of parameters to ensure that they remain

cannabis real estate
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Real Estate: Leasing v. Buying

One of the most important business decisions cannabis businesses need to make is whether to lease or buy real estate. I have worked on too many cannabis real estate transactions to count. And in my experience, the vast majority are leases. Today I want to look the top three reasons why that’s the case. #1

california cannabis receivership
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Receiverships Are Coming to California

California’s cannabis industry is a mess. Between the rampant illegal market, onerous taxation, unnecessarily complicated regulations, debt defaults, and a host of other factors, things have never been worse. Businesses big and small are imploding. Without federal bankruptcy protection, the best tool available to insolvent and nearly insolvent companies is gone. So we’re going to

cannabis litigation
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Litigation to Watch

As the cannabis economy tanks (with the exception of states that just came online for medical and/or adult-use), cannabis litigation is picking up. Most of this litigation revolves around partnership disputes, unpaid bills, breached contracts, and solvency. All cannabis entrepreneurs and businesses should be mindful of cannabis litigation trends, especially in these lean times. To

Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Litigation: A Primer on Subpoenas

A “subpoena” is used in cannabis litigation (or any litigation) when third-party witnesses or documents become necessary for a lawsuit. Over the years, we’ve seen the need for subpoenas come up in a variety of contexts. Below is a primer on what to do as a recipient of one: What is a subpoena? There are

cannabis scam
Canna Law Blog

Cannabis Scams 3.0

In an era of Theranos, Fyre Fest, FTX and WeWork, cannabis scams, frauds, and scandals probably pale in comparison. However, cannabis scams (and their evolution) are still worth noting, spotting, and avoiding at all costs. I’ve written about cannabis scams in the past (see here), and it’s one of my favorite topics given the still-emerging