
tourists in macau
China Law Blog

Macau vs. Hong Kong: And the Winner is Singapore

Hello Macau, goodbye Hong Kong. This has been the main theme surrounding Chairman Xi Jinping’s visit to Macau to mark the 20th anniversary of the former Portuguese colony’s transfer of sovereignty to China. Besides sending a not-so-subtle message to “bad student” Hong Kong, Xi is “expected to announce new policies aimed at diversifying the casino

Walking the China tightrope
China Law Blog

How To Survive an Increasingly Difficult China

Since October 6, 2018, one of our recurring themes has been that China has become far more difficult for foreign companies. It is what we have been calling the New Normal. This New Normal extends to all foreign companies that do business in or with China, but it has hit U.S. and Canadian companies particularly

China Greater Bay area map/graphic
China Law Blog

China’s Greater Bay Area and Country of Origin Markings

In a recent LinkedIn conversation someone raised the possibility of the “Made in GBA (Greater Bay Area)” label replacing “Made in Hong Kong” and “Made in China” as a country of origin marking in South China. It’s an intriguing idea that would certainly reflect the spirit of the GBA project. Could “Made in GBA” actually be a

China Belt and Road
China Law Blog

How Your Company Can Benefit from China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Contents of this Article BRI countries will need increased economic activities to pay back Chinese debt Africa’s greatest opportunities in business How is Africa reacting to China’s increasing presence through its Belt and Road Initiative? Does Africa present a viable alternative to companies that want to move manufacturing from China? Which African nations are most

China Risks
China Law Blog

The Top 14 China Wild Cards

The below is a list of China wild cards, at least for today. Note that when a deck holds a wild card, the impact of the wild card is something that can be predicted. The wild card changes the rules, but the players all know the wild card will eventually be coming and they can

China Lawyers
China Law Blog

How to Do Business in China Without Going to Prison

1. China is Cracking Down on Foreigners China has laws and it enforces its laws. And like pretty much every country in the world, China enforces its laws unevenly. By unevenly, I mean it is not uncommon for China to enact a law and then not enforce it for a few years and then all

China Law Blog


1.在中国制造是有风险的 对许多人来说,简短的回答是肯定的。 让我解释一下....2.美国的关税使得在中国制造有风险 首先是关税,它来了又去,去了又来,但对于任何从中国购买产品在美国销售的公司来说,总是一个风险。

灰底 HB 徽标


一种植物迷幻剂,传统上被南美洲原住民用于仪式和精神用途。死藤水的主要精神活性成分是 DMT(N,N-二甲基色胺)。



美国有限责任公司经营协议 有限责任公司经营协议规定了有限责任公司的经营方式,相当于公司章程(参见《在美国经商》:有关有限责任公司和公司的更多信息,请参阅《在美国经商:你应该知道的法律》)。在大多数州,包括一些在组建有限责任公司方面非常流行的州、