
how to buy PPE from China Webinar
China Law Blog

How to Buy PPE from China

Contents of this Article: For-Profit PPE Buyers The Medical Provider/Government PPE Buyers China’s New PPE Rules How to Increase The Odds of Your PPE getting Through China Customs Getting Your China PPE Through U.S. Customs Buying products from China has always been risky, but COVID-19 puts us at an 11 out of 10 We Want

China Law Blog


本周早些时候,在《将你的制造业从中国转移出去:我强调了《纽约邮报》最近的一篇社论,该社论谴责美国的 "医药生产严重过度依赖中国",并呼吁波多黎各再次成为 "美国药品生产的中心"。然后在同一

China Law Blog


昨天,我们的一个长期欧洲客户问我关于中国制造业的状况。作为回应,我问他是想听长的还是短的版本。当他回答说 "短 "时,我的回答是 "真的很复杂,但总体上真的很糟糕"。然后,他要求我给他一个简短的版本,即外国如何

Force Majeure lawyers
China Law Blog

Force Majeure in the Time of Coronavirus

Way back in the pre-coronavirus days — October 30-2019 — in Do Not Let Force Majeure be a Major Force In Your China Contract, we did a post warning of force majeure provisions in contracts with Chinese companies. That post began with the following warning/joke; Pull out and look at your contract with your Chinese

China Law Blog



China Law Blog


我们的国际争端解决律师参与了多个受冠状病毒严重打击的跨境诉讼事务。 举个例子,由于以下原因(包括其他原因),为中国证人安排的取证不得不被取消了:冠状病毒正影响着中国的几乎所有人。对一些人来说,在中国境内旅行是不可能的,而且

China Law Blog


几天前,在《中国制造业:"Elvis Has Left the Building "一文中,我们提到了《南华早报》的一篇文章,该文章指出,无论贸易谈判代表如何设法在紧张的美中关系上打补丁,制造业从中国外流的现象都不会减少。那篇文章包括一些关于我们的巨大吸吮声的清醒的统计数据。

international manufacturing lawyers
China Law Blog

Worthless Product from China Factories and the Reasons for That

Christmas morning and I find myself responding to companies that recently got worthless product from China, in what is typical pretty much at the end of every year. I think these things increase at the end of the year because the Chinese company that sends the worthless product has decided to shut down at the