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how to buy PPE from China Webinar
China Law Blog

How to Buy PPE from China

Contents of this Article: For-Profit PPE Buyers The Medical Provider/Government PPE Buyers China’s New PPE Rules How to Increase The Odds of Your PPE getting Through China Customs Getting Your China PPE Through U.S. Customs Buying products from China has always been risky, but COVID-19 puts us at an 11 out of 10 We Want

Everyone in China wants to live in the United States
China Law Blog

Pharma Will be Leaving China to Come Home to the United States

Earlier this week, in Moving Your Manufacturing From China: Look South (Again) to Mexico and Puerto Rico, I highlighted a recent New York Post editorial that decried America’s “serious over-reliance on China for pharmaceutical production”, and called for Puerto Rico to once again become a “central hub of U.S. drug manufacturing”. Then on the same

Mexico manufacturing lawyers
China Law Blog

Moving Your Manufacturing From China: Look South (Again) to Mexico and Puerto Rico

The party is over for an increasing number of U.S. companies who danced with China’s communist rulers. Their giddy, devil-may-care pursuit of the China Price has now devolved into the dystopia of “Uyghurs for sale”. See China’s Other Supply Chain Infection — Forced Labor. When someone finally listened to their complaints about IP theft, the

day of the dead
China Law Blog

International Manufacturing Update: China Down, Mexico Up

Yesterday, a long-term European client of ours asked me about the state of manufacturing in China. In response I asked him if he wanted the long or the short version. When he replied, “short,” my response was “really mixed, but overall really bad.” He then asked me to give him the short version how foreign

Force Majeure lawyers
China Law Blog

Force Majeure in the Time of Coronavirus

Way back in the pre-coronavirus days — October 30-2019 — in Do Not Let Force Majeure be a Major Force In Your China Contract, we did a post warning of force majeure provisions in contracts with Chinese companies. That post began with the following warning/joke; Pull out and look at your contract with your Chinese

International Shipping and Logistics Crisis
China Law Blog

What’s Going to Happen With My China-Dependent Supply Chain?

When I was 16, I lived for a year in Istanbul, Turkey, and it was then and there that I decided I wanted to become an international lawyer (if I was not going to make it as a professional basketball player). This was back in the days when you were considered international if you had

microscopic international diseases
China Law Blog

China’s Coronavirus Impacts Everything: What Your Business Should Do NOW

Our international dispute resolution lawyers are involved in multiple cross border litigation matters hit hard by the coronavirus.  By way of one example, depositions scheduled for Chinese witnesses are having to be cancelled for the following reasons (among others): The coronavirus is impacting pretty much everyone in China. Travel within China is impossible for some and

illegal transshipping
China Law Blog

Transshipment: No Magic Remedy Against Tariffs

A few days ago, in China Manufacturing: “Elvis Has Left the Building”, we mentioned a South China Morning Post article suggesting the manufacturing exodus from China will not abate, regardless of any patches trade negotiators manage to place on the overall, strained U.S.-China relationship. That article included some sobering stats on the giant sucking sound we

international manufacturing lawyers
China Law Blog

Worthless Product from China Factories and the Reasons for That

Christmas morning and I find myself responding to companies that recently got worthless product from China, in what is typical pretty much at the end of every year. I think these things increase at the end of the year because the Chinese company that sends the worthless product has decided to shut down at the