International dispute resolution attorneys lawyers

Taking Depositions in China: The Hazards and the Possibilities

Depositions in China You are a litigator preparing a case in the United States. Your case is in the discovery phase and you want to depose a key witness  located in Mainland. This witness is either unable or unwilling to come to the United States, and so their deposition must be taken in China. How

The China price

The Perils of Chasing Cheap Labor

The Real Cost of Cheap Labor I once ended up on the same Qingdao-Seoul-Seattle flight as a long-time client  whose company had been hugely successful in China in an industry where just about every other foreign company had failed. The long flights gave us a great opportunity to talk about business in China. He told


Blawg Review #162

“I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.” Bob Dylan, Man of Peace “I am a man of peace.” Kwai Chang Caine, Kung Fu, Episode 8 “Peace lies not in the world…but in the man who walks the path.” Master Po, Kung Fu, Episode 8 When I took on this task of

China WFOE lawyers

Danone v. Wahaha: China Business Lessons To Be Learned

This month’s China Economic Review contains an article Steve Dickinson on the Danone Wahaha dispute. The article is an offshoot of a speech he gave for JP Morgan on China Joint Ventures. Steve’s China Economic Review article is entitled Danone v. Wahaha: The lessons to be learned from the tensions within China’s largest beverage joint

China trademark registration

China Trademarks — Do You Feel Lucky? Do You?

Our advice to companies that do any business with China (including those that merely have their products made in China) is to register their trademarks in China before they go there. China is a first to register country, which means that whoever registers a trademark first gets it. I repeat: in China, whoever registers a

China business toasts

Toasting Rules at China Business Banquets

The Rules for China Toasting Though I am a complete lightweight as a drinker (I average maybe one alcoholic drink a month), I consider myself somewhat of a master of foreign business toasting. I have participated in well over a hundred toasting sessions with Chinese, Koreans, Thais, Turks, Mexicans, Spaniards, French and Russians, and the

China NNN Agreements

The Power of China-Specific NNN Agreements

NNN Agreements vs. NDA Agreements for China Western-style non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) don’t work for protecting your IP from China. China-specific non-disclosure, non-compete, non-circumvent (NNN) agreements are vastly superior for safeguarding your IP. This post will explain what makes China-specific NNN agreements work so well at protecting IP and when to use them. Someone on our

Kaifeng Jews

China: Where Even The Jews Are Fake

In China everything can and is faked, even the JeAbsolutely fascinating story in today's Washington Post, entitled, Sold on a Stereotype: In China, a genre of self-help books purports to tell the secrets of making money "the Jewish way".  Seems the Chinese think very highly of Jews, both for their perceived ability as businesspeople, and for their honesty and family values. China has some 50+ books focusing on emulating the Jewish path to success.

international attorneys

Gibson Guitars — From Kalamazoo To China And Beyond

I just learned that Gibson Guitar will soon be returning to an industrial heartland, but in China's Liaoning Province this time. Gibson just purchased China's third-biggest piano maker, state-owned Dongbei Piano Group. Our international lawyers have lately been seeing more American and European companies getting their start at doing business in China by buying existing China companies/facilities.